How Can We Influence a Future Society?
We need to think about the future of our planet—and therefore of our economic system, which is rapidly endangering it. I believe that one way to influence the development of a more just, kind, and respectful society is by emphasizing certain values.
I also believe that eight of those values are actually reinforced every time a story is told—regardless of the content of the story. Stories about these values are vitally important; don't get me wrong! But it's possible to teach storytelling in a way that helps people become aware of the values built into the storytelling process.
I have written nine articles to help you understand what I mean by all this: what values, how the processes of storytelling can promote them, and activities to use to bring these values to the fore.
To get the first part of this free series tomorrow, please sign up below. The remaining eight emails will arrive over the course of the next month.
I hope you will join me in the exploration of this simple, non-intrusive way to promote values that, I believe, can help our future society become compassionate, cooperative and inclusive.
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"Values of the Future Through Storytelling"
9-part email series, free!